What if you knew the exact next right steps to take in your business, at every stage of growth?

A step-by-step guide of the things you need to focus on in your business, and the tools and people you need to invest in in order to keep the gravy train rolling in your business. 

You’ve heard of other business owners just breezing through to six figures like it was a piece of cake. Meanwhile, all you’re getting is FRUSTRATION and OVERWHELM, trying to figure out where you should be focusing your attention.


You struggle with shiny object syndrome. You know, the whole “She’s doing that, should I be doing that?” neurosis thing you’ve got going on? and you’ve spread yourself so thin that it’s hard to tell if ANYTHING is working because nothing is getting your full focus and attention.


The truth is, what you’re comparing yourself to is most likely a TEAM of people executing on someone’s behalf. Seems like an unfair comparison, to hold what only you can accomplish up against a team of many?


The problem is… you’re spinning your wheels doing “all the things” and it’s not getting you anywhere. And even if you WERE ready to invest in help, you wouldn’t know who to invest in, outside of cloning yourself.


Sure, you might be “showing up more places” but really, you’re just going an inch deep and a mile wide in a bunch of strategies….

And let’s be real: You don’t have the time and energy to be spreading yourself so thin for such a small return on investment. 


I don’t want you to give up, I just want you to be smarter with your time and efforts! So many of our clients have asked us for a roadmap to know when to do what…


When to focus on email marketing… When to build a website… When to hire a coach… When to hire support staff…


What if we could just tell you what to focus on based on where you are in your monthly revenue right now, so you could quit guessing what you needed to do and finally focus all of your energy in the right avenues to hit that next income bracket?

  • Knowing the one-time projects you need to tackle in your online business, and WHEN they needed to happen.


  • Knowing the tools you need to invest in in your business, understanding what they do and knowing WHEN it’s time to invest in them.


  • Knowing when to hire that next right person. When to invest in a coach. When you just need some extra helping hands in your business, and when you needed an expert. All based on where you are right now with your revenue. 


Stop wasting your time doing ALL the things and focus on doing THE NEXT RIGHT THING.

Here’s what you get when you say Yes to the 6-Figure Roadmap:

A roadmap telling you what to do and when to do it.


An understanding of where you can cut the corners on costs and where you can’t.

A love note from Whitney and Olivia to remind you at each stage in the game of what you’re working for.

You’ve tried it this way….


Doing all the things, being a frazzled one woman show, staying up late, working like a crazy person, biting off more than you can chew. Constantly questioning yourself and wondering if you’re cut out for this…


But there’s another way. 


Taking the next right step, one step at a time. Focusing on getting the right systems, and the right hands, and the right support at the RIGHT time in your business. 


How do we know?


Because we’ve done it.

She’s Whitney...


A serial entrepreneur with a 7-figure coaching practice whose worked with thousands of women to help them take the next right moves in their businesses.

And she’s Olivia...


Multiple six-figure service provider who knows how to automate like a pro and make complicated things seem effortless.





Together, when our powers combine, we teach women the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and WHY of business strategies.


You could call us your professors, but that’s boring. We’re your business besties. We can’t wait to watch you start making the kind of money you deserve in your business - because we know what follows money, it’s IMPACT. And it’s our goal to extend that impact beyond our personal reach and to yours. That, my friends, is how more women step into more power.


The 6-Figure Roadmap is for you if you’re…


  • Passionate about your work and hoping to grow your business
  • Willing to do the work if you knew what the work was
  • Tired of feeling frustrated that your business isn’t growing, and willing to do the work to change that
  • Ready to finally have a plan and a roadmap to follow

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